Our Mission

Leading is hard! Even under optimal circumstances, that’s why we need each other. TFH includes the key word TOGETHER. We want to work alongside each other for our own sakes, but also for the kingdom’s sake. We know from Ps 133 and Jn 17 that God commands the blessing when we are united, and that our hope of a HARVEST is directly proportional to our ability to ‘be one’ with the Father, and each other. 

We want to ensure that every leader feels connected, supported, resourced, and able to make their best contribution. Leader health is one of our key priorities (see below). Over the coming years we will be developing ways to support leaders who are feeling isolated, overwhelmed, stressed and nearing burn out. Our prayer is that this platform will be a safe place to find the strength you need to keep going, and to flourishing in your calling. 

A previous strap-line for TFH was ‘united in spirit, intent on one purpose’ from Phil 2. Our purpose is clear – to work together to see gospel saturation and gospel transformation of our City Region. To reach every man, woman and child, believing that transformed people transform places. To see one missional expression of church for every thousand people in a 10 year time frame – 1 in 1000.

We are pursuing 5 priorities to this end: 

  • City wide prayer
  • Disciple making strategies
  • Multiplying churches
  • Serving the town/city
  • Leader health

Each of these areas will be developed across our region over the next 10 years. We are supported in this by others on the same journey in other towns and cities in the UK, through our partnership with Kairos Connexion City Reaching. 

This new platform is designed to help church, ministry and workplace leaders connect, communicate, align around specific areas of interest or activity, to share resources, and to learn how to be better leaders together.

Welcome to Lead Together.


Nic Harding, on behalf of the TFH Board.