Community Guidelines

Welcome to Lead Together, a network platform for church and ministry leaders. To maintain a positive and respectful community, we ask all members to adhere to the following guidelines. By joining and participating on the Lead Together platform, you agree to these rules and the associated penalties for violations.

1. Respectful Communication
  • Do engage with others respectfully and kindly.
  • Do not use hate speech, discriminatory remarks, or any language that is offensive, threatening, or abusive.
2. Appropriate Content
  • Do share content that is uplifting, relevant to church leadership, and beneficial to the community.
  • Do not post or share content that includes:
    • Pornography or sexually explicit material
    • Violent or graphic content
    • Profanity or obscene material
    • False information or misinformation
3. Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Do respect the privacy of other members.
  • Do not share personal information about others without their explicit consent.
4. No Spamming or Self-Promotion
  • Do contribute to discussions and offer helpful insights.
  • Do not spam the platform with advertisements, irrelevant links, or excessive self-promotion.
5. Constructive Criticism
  • Do offer constructive feedback and support.
  • Do not engage in personal attacks, harassment, or unconstructive criticism.
6. Intellectual Property
  • Do share original content or content you have permission to share.
  • Do not post content that infringes on someone else’s intellectual property rights.
7. Group Conduct
  • Do participate in groups with a spirit of cooperation and respect.
  • Do not disrupt group activities or harass group members.
8. Reporting Violations
  • Do report any content or behaviour that violates these guidelines to the Lead Together moderation team.


Penalties for Violations

Violations of these guidelines will result in the following actions:

  1. First Violation: Warning issued to the member.
  2. Second Violation: Temporary suspension of account (1 week).
  3. Third Violation: Permanent ban from the platform.

Severe violations (e.g., posting explicit content, threats, or severe harassment) may result in an immediate permanent ban without prior warnings.



The Lead Together moderation team reserves the right to remove any content or member that violates these guidelines. All decisions made by the moderation team are final.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure that Lead Together remains a safe, supportive, and enriching community for all.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation.